How to make a tiny house eco-friendly

How to make a tiny house eco-friendly


Living in a tiny home is a huge decision to make, but it also is the beginning of a journey filled with great adventures, embracing a whole new lifestyle and perspective.

One of the many reasons people choose to switch to tiny living is that they wish to live a more sustainable and eco-aware life, which can be achieved somewhat easier in a tiny home than in a larger, traditional house.

While we can see the differences between earlier and more recently appeared tiny home generations – since they are constantly being improved both in design and building, based on experiences and individual needs – we can definitely upgrade our own tiny to be as eco-friendly as possible.

Here are 5 easy ways to make your tiny house eco-friendly

  1. Set up solar panels

Whether you choose to live in a tiny house connected to an electricity grid or not, solar panels are a great solution for partial or complete energy supply. Have some panels set up on the roof of your tiny house, that way you can have heating and warm water anywhere you go and you can also save money on electricity bills when you are in one place.

  1. Find ways to save with water

Try using less water altogether, and reuse it when possible. There are many ways for you to include this habit in your tiny lifestyle: you can set up your bathroom sink on top of your toilet tank, so that you can flush the toilet with water you already used to wash your hands, you can create a garden tower to grow some foods at home with less water than in a normal garden and you can experiment with pretty much any idea when it comes to saving water.

  1. Compost and recycle

Recycling and composting are important aspects in living a greener life and reducing your environmental footprint. For starters, you can collect your waste selectively, so that it can still be recycled and reused to make great things, as for foods, you can learn to compost certain leftovers, peels or other organic materials in order to make your own fertilizer at home, without using any chemicals. This will also encourage you to try growing your own foods.

  1. Create conscious buying habits

Living a more eco-aware life also includes paying attention to what we purchase and what we throw out. Make sure you don’t buy too much food, so it doesn’t go bad and end up in the trash, and only buy objects you truly need and often use.

  1. Try producing as little waste as possible

Whether you have a permanent place for your tiny house or are always on the move, make sure you never pollute your environment in any way. Pay attention to where all your thrash goes, don’t cook too much just to have the perfectly good foods then thrown out and find ways to reuse as many things as possible.

While making your tiny home a little bit eco-friendlier or finding the perfect eco tiny homes for sale might not seem too difficult at first, make sure you do your best to find a balance and live a wholesome life, while also paying attention to the environment.